Many Boat Captains Don’t Know This

Many Boat Captains Don’t Know This

“Most all of the on-the-water services performed involve vessels in some degree of peril and are therefore technically salvage.” – A Reputable Towing Company’s Website

The Three Simple Conditions of a Salvage Are:

  1. PERIL: Marine peril to the vessel being salvaged (Either present or imminent danger)
    1. Includes running aground, small bilge, or mechanical issues
  2. VOLUNTARY: Service voluntarily rendered, not required by duty or contract
    1. No pricing or compensation was discussed beforehand
    1. No pre-existing agreed price for service
  3. SUCCESS: Success, in whole or in part, with the services rendered having contributed to such success.
    1. You are now out of present or imminent danger due to the salvor’s efforts and by law, you owe them a reward in any amount that they choose

//Boaters Beware: If Tow Boat operators can classify ANY incident as Salvage vs Tow there is a HUGE reward for them at your expense!

Claiming salvage allows Tow Boat operators to pick ANY percentage they believe is justifiable – even up to 100% of the value of your boat. They do this by simply not telling you everything up front. They are carefully trained to tell you “Salvage” is your only option but do not fully disclose any of the potential costs. When asked about the costs, they tell you they don’t know until the job is done, so they can hit you with a HUGE bill!

What You Can Do If You Are Not in Immediate Danger

  • Say NO to Salvage – Do NOT sign any document.
  • Post S.T.O.P Notice on Your Boat
  • Ask for “Tow or Assistance” on CH16
  • Negotiate a Price
  • Call Another Tow Company
  • Look to a Passing Boat for Help

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