Tow Boat US slaps boat owner with a $220,000bill!

Tow Boat US slaps boat owner with a $220,000bill!

A Center Console runs aground just outside Hillsborough Inlet, Florida March 2020.   Tow Boat US voluntarily stationed adjacent to the inlet comes to help …. at least that’s what the boat owner thought.  

According to the Tow Boat US Report:

The Tow Boat US Captain had enough time to board the boat two times and fill out a standard salvage agreement for signature.  It was noted in the report that the boat owner clearly disagreed with the notion of Salvage, and also asked how much the bill would be.  The Tow Boat US US Captain stated he would not know until the job was complete.  No injuries were reported, and the boat was freed after 10 minutes and towed into the inlet, an immediate inspection of the hull described the damage as only “scratches to the gel coat & bottom paint”.  There was no special salvage equipment used, only tow boats and ropes.  

Immediately afterward, Tow Boat US Captain would not release the boat or its passengers.  When the owner refused to be towed to a Tow Boat US facility, the Police were called by Tow Boat US.  One hour later the Police let the boat sail home under its own power.  Throughout this entire ordeal, eight passengers never even got off the boat.

The next day Tow Boat US slaps the boat owner with a $220,000 ransom claim – formally known as Salvage Claim.  The owner acknowledging that he had to pay something for the one-hour service immediately offered Tow Boat US an earnest $15,000.  They declined.  In good faith, the boat owner and his attorney stayed in daily contact with Tow Boat US, until unannounced Tow Boat US got a court order and had US Marshall agents seize the boat.   The boat owner then offers $62,500 just to get the entire ordeal over with.  Tow Boat US immediately declines and counter offers at $159,000.  Not able to logically justify paying their ask, he was forced to put up 1.5X the Tow Boat US bill in the form of a cash bond ($330,000) to the court just to get his boat back.  Now the boat owner is forced to hire a specialized Maritime Council to just pursue a fair deal.

Boaters Beware: If Tow Boat operators are able to classify ANY incident as Salvage vs Tow there is a HUGE reward for them at your expense!  They will also attempt to take your boat if you do not pay up immediately!

Salvage allows them to pick ANY percentage they believe they can justify (even up to 100%) of the value of your boat as their ransom – or more formerly known as their reward.


They can do this by simply not telling you everything upfront.  They are carefully trained to tell you “salvage” is your only option but do not fully disclose any of the potential costs. If asked how much the bill will be, they tell you they don’t know until the job is done.  Then slap you with a HUGE Bill!

There are only 3 rules needed for them to claim Salvage rights to your boat:

  1. PERIL- including running aground, even small bilge or mechanical issues can be Peril!
  2. VOLUNTARY – no pre-existing price agreed for service (THIS IS THE TRAP)
  3. SUCCESS – they are successful in helping you in whole or in part.

As long as you are NOT in immediate danger:

  1. SAY NO TO SALVAGE – Do Not Sign Anything, RECORD entire encounter on your phone
  2. POST THIS NOTICE – and ask for a “Tow” or “Assistance” on CH16 (Download Notice Here)
  3. NEGOTIATE – a fair price, call another tow company or ask a passing boat for help

Over 55% of all incidents are boats “aground” according to Tow Boat US Salvage Resume published on their website.   Yet, they consider them all Salvage!

As long as you are NOT in immediate danger you CAN negotiate a fair price to be ungrounded and Stop Tow Operator Piracy!

Boaters Beware: It appears that all Tow Boat Operators along with some local attorneys and marina/repair facilities utilize a set of well-choreographed high-pressure techniques to force boaters and insurance companies into settlements after a Salvage Claim. This is precisely why victim boaters and advocacy groups are comparing Tow Boat Operators to Pirates and Criminals.

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