What Geico doesn’t know Can hurt you!

What Geico doesn’t know Can hurt you!

Geico, one of the most trusted names in insurance has been going above and beyond to help customers since 1936.  It’s not surprising they would own other service companies to follow in their footsteps.  Unfortunately, not all companies have the same moral compass – like Geico’s Sea Tow company, Tow Boat US, which is regularly involved in maritime law extortion and piracy under the guise of salvage.

The three simple conditions of salvage are:

  1. Marine peril to the vessel being salvaged (Either present or imminent danger)
  2. Service voluntarily rendered, not required by duty or contract (No pricing or compensation discussed beforehand)
  3. Success, in whole or in part, with the services rendered having contributed to such success. (You are now out of present or imminent danger due to the salvor’s efforts and by law, you owe them a reward in any amount that they choose )

Tow Boat US is one of the boat towing companies that exploit this three-thousand-year-old maritime law.  Originally put in place to ensure assistance on the high seas in times of peril, the law of salvage now works against the modern-day boater by providing a legal loophole for extortion and piracy.  A simple tow off a sand bar can cost you up to 100% of your boat’s value, with an automatic lien put in place, and if you do not pay your property will be seized

We can’t believe Gieco ever knew this was going on, nor condoned such questionable loophole practices.  It’s time to address the Narwhal in the room – now that Geico knows about Tow Boat US’s unscrupulous behavior, what are they going to do to stop them and how are they going to compensate Tow Boat US’s victims?

(or should the last line be)

Now that Gieco knows what Tow Boat US is doing, how quickly are they going to stop them and assist Tow Boat US’s victims?

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